Alan from New Zealand Memories bring back you.May we all find peace and happiness in times of sorrow. Thank you for writing this beautiful song once again. A little sign from above to keep that bond strong, know matter what is happening in these hard times. I also, mentioned if they watch the video to make sure they look at the tattoo on his collarbone " Family". When I awoke today, I heard this song and shared with my daughters hoping they will enjoy it as much as I did. From that year forward I made a vow to him that I would allow his daughters to celebrate the memory of him and the life he gave us. He left this life, at the age of 32, leaving behind 3 daughters. Today as I have for the past 20 years I celebrate the life that I had and was taken way to soon, my husbands birthday. As cheers to the ones we have and lost we start to celebrate life which embodies our soul. I can play this song while the tears of the memories come back but it brings me comfort to know I am not alone. Lisa Murphy from Saratoga Springs, New YorkI want to thank you for writing such a heartfelt song, as we all can relate to losing someone special.Can't help think back all our hopes and planning when playing the song gosh! Lost my son who is supposed to come on my our birth month, so much plans and anticipations, lost him same month suddenly. Monday from NigeriaCan't explain the calm I do feel when listening to "Memories".Elise from AustraliaI love this song and would love to use sippets in a eulogy that i am preparing for a best friend rocco who lost his 3 week battle to covid 19 in south africa on Fri - may i?.I'm Unique from From NigeriaI felt bad wen i lost my uncle but memories always remind me of him,i love dat song.Freedom from Nigeriai heard this song and remembered my friend who died of disease and i was shattered.i feel really bad right now.Elang Fortune from Lagos NigeriaThe song reminds me of the moment i shared with my loved ones and my lost ones.

Jeff Schwartz from Waterbury CtEvery musician knows it is “Canon In D” set to words.Peter from AustraliaPlayed this at dads funreal last week along with a montage of photos.