
Sqlite studio database file extension
Sqlite studio database file extension

  • isodate: additional date and time functions.
  • decimal, fcmp and ieee754: decimal and floating-point arithmetic.
  • cron: match dates against cron patterns.
  • compress and sqlar: compress / uncompress data.
  • closure: navigate hierarchic tables with parent/child relationships.
  • classifier: binary classifier via logistic regression.
  • btreeinfo, memstat, recsize and stmt: various database introspection features.
  • bloom: a fast way to tell if a value is already in a table.
  • sqlite studio database file extension

    besttype: convert string value to numeric.Think of them as candidates for the standard library: They may be untested, poorly documented, too broad, too narrow, or without a well-thought API. These extensions haven’t yet made their way to the main set. There are precompiled binaries for Windows, Linix and macOS. The single-file sqlean bundle contains all extensions from the main set. stats: Math statistics - median, percentiles, etc.regexp: Pattern matching using regular expressions.fuzzy: Fuzzy string matching and phonetics.fileio: Reading and writing files and catalogs.define: User-defined functions and dynamic SQL.crypto: Hashing, encoding and decoding data.Think of them as the extended standard library for SQLite: They are tested, documented and organized into the domain modules with clear API. I plan to write in detail about each module in a separate article, but for now - here’s a brief overview. Something like a standard library in Python or Go, only for SQLite.


    So I started the sqlean project, which brings the extensions together, neatly packaged into domain modules, documented, tested, and built for Linux, Windows and macOS. As a result, there are a lot of SQLite extensions out there, but they are incomplete, inconsistent and scattered across the internet. Fortunately, the authors provided an extension mechanism, which allows doing almost anything. There are few built-in functions compared to PostgreSQL or Oracle.

    sqlite studio database file extension sqlite studio database file extension

    It’s a miniature embedded database, perfect for both exploratory data analysis and as a storage for small apps (I’ve blogged about that previously).

    Sqlite studio database file extension